Receiving Instruction (Baptized Persons)

Receiving Instruction in the Faith

The Catholic Church teaches that there is only one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We accept the baptism of other non-Catholic Christian communities, provided they baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Often, people who are already Christian and are interested in becoming Catholic already have some knowledge of the faith, or an experience of prayer or reading of Sacred Scripture. The Holy Spirit has been active in the faith lives of these persons since the moment of their baptism, and the Catholic Church wishes to continue to fan that flame of faith by giving these persons knowledge of the Church that Jesus founded.

All are welcome!
It doesn't matter what sort of background a person has who may be interested in becoming Catholic. Pope Francis teaches us that the Church is not a museum of saints but a field hospital for sinners. Each person who comes to our Parish interested in Catholicism will receive a personal response from our Parish clergy and staff. 

If you are interested in becoming Catholic, reach out to the parish office and ask to speak with the Pastor. We would love to know how we can share the good news of Jesus Christ with you and help you grow closer to Him in love and worship within His holy Church.

The Steps
Non-Baptized persons who desire to become Catholic participate in a course of studies and rites known as the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). Many people who are already baptized Christians find these classes enlightening as well, in fact, some of our own parishioners attend these classes year after year to help build up their faith even more. Often, baptized Christians will be asked to attend as many of these classes as they can and participate by asking questions, though each candidate will be considered on a case-by-case basis to determine how much formation in the faith is necessary to prepare them for membership in the Church. From there, the process is as such:

  • Usually in the Fall, a rite is held during one of our Sunday Masses when potential candidates are formally recognized and presented to the parish. From that moment on, the candidates attend classes or receive private instruction to prepare them to become Catholic.
  • Most members of this class also participate in a rite of prayer and blessing on the Second Sunday of Lent (usually in late Winter/early Spring) where the community more formally prays for them as they compete their studies in the faith.
  • Then, on a day near Easter, the candidates gather with the parish community at Mass and make their Profession of the Catholic Faith publicly. Afterwards, they are confirmed and receive Holy Communion for the first time. From then on they are full members of the Catholic Church. (Sometimes this rite occurs at the Paschal Vigil along-side the rites received by those in the RCIA class).

We're a Family
People journeying through the this process need sponsors and community support to help them grow in faith. The catechetical team of sponsors help guide, support and instruct those discerning whether to become members of our Catholic community. Team members share their faith with inquiring adults who are seeking more information about the Catholic Church.
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